Monday, October 21, 2013

It’s Now or Never…

Welcome to my first blog post!  I’m hoping that by the end of typing this that the palms of my hands will quit sweating, but I’m not counting on it at this point. 

Many people have asked me why I still live in Madera and, more importantly, how did I become interested in History and Genealogy?  Well, the answer is pretty simple…20 years ago, I was at my parents home and my mom gave me a scrapbook and a box (actually it was a spotless Kentucky Fried Chicken bucket) of old photos and said “Here..these are taking up space, do you want them?” How could I say no?  There were old postcard photographs and tin types..even my parents wedding album!  I didn't recognize any of the photographs and the only information I could get out of her at the time, was that my 2nd Great-Grandfather, Charles Bludworth, was the first Sheriff of Merced County and he shot the bandit, Joaquin Murrieta.  End of story.
Charles Bludworth, my 2nd Great-Grandfather
Over the last 20 years, researching my family has led me in to a number of California's museums, archives, and libraries.  One library in particular was here in Madera when I discovered the library had a Genealogy Book Collection (imagine that!).  Soon after, I met our County Librarian, Ellen Mester, who asked if I would be interested in creating a Local History/Genealogy Room out of an existing space in the Library.  She didn't have to ask me twice and ever since that day, I can’t imagine working anywhere else. 

Through The Family Room, I hope to share genealogy resources, as well as discovering interesting facts and stories about Madera County and our golden State!